[悉尼] 週末Brunch 好去處:Newtown@Cuckoo Callay

 陽光明媚的週末最適合約上三五知己去吃Brunch了你說是不是?今次分享的是位於Newtown Station外面的Cuckoo Callay。為什麼要分享這間小店呢?因為我覺得好難得找到一家有賣相、大部份食物都很不錯吃、而且有讓我來造訪第二次的衝動的Brunch
Cuckoo Callay是真的就在Newtown Station出口喔,只要有經過Station一定不會錯過。店家的位置很好,但店內卻滿擁擠的,大家可以撰選擇坐在外面。

我去過Cuckoo Callay兩次一次坐在店外一次坐在店內。坐在店外聊天比較方便可以盡情大笑 (哈哈),但有些位置會比較曬。坐在店內就不會曬,不過小店好像沒有冷氣空氣會有點悶熱,我們是一邊吃一邊瘋狂地流汗,所以如果是在大熱天前往的話最好是穿的清涼點比較好啦~

The Love Affair (AUD$8.00)
Strawberry, Rose water, apple, mint and chia seeds - 大熱天必須點的消暑果汁,好喝但是太小杯不夠解渴呀哈哈~

Gorgeous George (AUD$19.00)
Smashed avocado and roasted truss tomatoes on sourdough served with shanklish, house-made basil pesto, yuzu sesame and a 63° poached egg - 烤得香酥的面包上放上了搗碎後的酪梨、烤番茄和63° poached egg,搭配自製的羅勒香蒜醬,再灑上柚子芝麻,好吃健康但就是有點小貴

Bacon Mac Daddy (AUD$18.00)
Double smoked bacon, bacon mac ‘n’ cheese, 63° poached egg, tomato relish & fried shallots in a croissant - 好有創意的名字~ Bacon Mac Daddy外面是酥脆的可頌麵包,中間夾的是起司通心粉,再放上半熟的煎蛋,整個好邪惡又很好吃。

The Sideways Shuffle (AUD$24.00)
Blue swimmer crab cake with corn & avocado salsa, watermelon, cucumber & lemon jelly and a 63° poached egg

Magic Mushrooms (AUD$23.00)
Wild mushrooms on sourdough served with truffled goat’s cream, spinach, roasted truss tomatoes, sultanas, smoked almonds and a crumbed egg - 這個Dish維尼最愛!第二次去時又點了它~ 最愛的蘑菇,配著菠菜蕃茄小葡萄乾,還有烤過的杏仁和蛋,這個Dish果然有魔法吃完好開心喔 ()~

Mah-Sriracha (AUD$23.00)
12 hour slow cooked beef brisket on sourdough toast, house made barbeque sauce, chargrilled broccolini, sriracha hollandaise, fried shallots and a 63° poached egg

Chamellia Organic Matcha Green Tea Latte (AUD$4.50)
每次看到Matcha Latte都要點,小熊貓仔拉花太加分了!


Newtown是一個可以慢慢逛慢慢尋寶的地方,很多特色的小店、手作、和各式各樣的餐廳café。Cuckoo Callay的位置就方便,我覺得很適合大家去Newtown逛街前後時來這飽餐一頓!


Cuckoo Callay
Address: Newtown Railway station, 324A King St, Newtown NSW 2042
Opening hours:
SATURDAY 08:00AM - 16:00PM
SUNDAY 08:00AM - 15:00PM

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